Even though the Kamassian Language is now dead the Kamasin identity never died. Though Russia now counts Kamasins as Khakassians 2 people in 2010 identified as Kamassian under the choice of "Other". The Koibal Khakass people are the closest to Kamasins, however, some other Khakas groups sometimes have small Kamasin DNA. The Last Kamassian native was Klavdiya Plotnikova who was only half Kamasin you can hear her speaking (Click here). Other close ethnic groups to the Kamasins are the Selkup people and the long extinct Mators, whose language is not even nearly as documented as Kamassian because it died way earlier. Today many people living in the area around the Sayan Mountains and Khakassia have Kamassian ancestory but only 2 identified as Kamassian.
In 2021, 2 people again identified as Kamassian, however 21 more with ancestory are known to exist.